Unfortunately, an expensive audio interface device I use for my podcasting went literally up in smoke last night. It comes at an awkward time, because I am between day job gigs and cash flow is tight.
My partnership with Script Magazine is a creative partnership, not financial – 90% of the podcast expenses come out of my pocket.
Consider the value you’ve received from these exclusive interviews with working writers. Can you please spare a donation, to help replace the audio device?
Every little bit helps… No amount is too small (nor too big).
[UPDATE 3:15pm EST]
I’m absolutely blown away by the responses! The cost of the audio device is now covered, and some extra can go toward replacing a fried laptop I use heavily for podcasting, and also an upcoming yearly server bill. If you haven’t had a chance to donate, these other needs are still pending. That said… countless thanks to all!
Many thanks,
James Broadley
Graham, that sucks. Hope this helps a little bit…