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That’s right, weeeeee’re back… and better than ever, too!

The podcast is taking a new direction in 2020… instead of focusing on breaking in, we’re aiming at the staff to mid-level writer, featuring in-person video interviews with show creators and higher level writers and producers (by Skype until the stay-at-home order lifts). How do they choose their writing staff? What is their room philosophy? How do they break a story? What are they looking for in new writers they hire?

We also have audio-only episodes on your favorite platforms!

Are you “stuck at home” because of the Coronavirus? Watch or listen to the TV Writer Podcast! Need a laptop with Final Draft? CLICK HERE to rent one from Gray (also equipped with the full Adobe suite) for as low as $9/day ($270/month).

Click to access the podcast via:

• Podbean (Video)Podbean (Audio)
Spotify (Audio)
• iTunes (Video) • iTunes (Audio)
YouTube (Video)
Script Magazine

Several writers are lined up for interviews already… if you are a show creator or high level writer/producer — or you know one — be sure to contact Gray about an interview!

Follow @GrayJones on Twitter for the latest updates!

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Author: Gray Jones

Graham “Gray” Jones is a seasoned TV editor/writer located in Valencia, California (on the northern outskirts of LA). He has an honors Screenwriting BFA from York University, where he graduated with distinction in 1994.

He hosted one of the world’s leading TV-themed podcasts, "Chuck vs. the Podcast," about NBC’s Chuck, and currently hosts the "TV Writer Podcast," in partnership with Script Magazine.

He runs several companies, including,, and Check them out!